Treasure Valley Subdivisions
- Details
- Written by Don Wixom Don Wixom
- Category: Uncategorised Uncategorised
- Published: 27 August 2020 27 August 2020
- Hits: 7205 7205
- Academy Place
- Airport
- Alpine Meadows
- Amyx
- Applewood
- Aralar Park
- Arata
- Arbor
- Archway
- Ardell Estates
- Ariel Estates
- Arlington Add
- Arnolds Add
- Ashbury
- Aspen Village
- Atlanta Townsite
- Austin Creek
- Autumn Court
- Avimor
- Bainbridge
- Banbury Sub
- Baraya
- Basque Estates
- Bear Creek
- Beechwood
- Bel Air
- Bella Park
- Belmont Heights
- Ben Goslin
- Bennett Add
- Bennos Pointe
- Bickel Addition
- Big Sky Estates
- Binghamshire Square
- Birchstone Creek
- Birchwood
- Biscotti
- Bittercreek Meadows
- Black Lee
- Blackhawk on the River
- Blackrock
- Blue River Estates
- Blue Sage
- Blue Valley
- Boardwalk Twnhs
- Bodily & Bunder
- Boise Holcomb
- Borah Heights
- Boulder Heights
- Bovill
- Brampton Square
- Branch Estate
- Briarhill Sub
- Bridgetower
- Bridgetower West
- Bridgeview
- Brinegar
- Brittania Heights
- Broadmoor
- Broken Ridge
- Brookdale Estates
- Brooke View
- Brookwood (Eagle)
- Brownlee Summit
- Brownstone Estates
- Brumbacks Add
- Buhl Acres
- Buhl Townsite
- Butler Sunview
- Butteshadows
- BW Nelson Estates
- Calistoga
- Calvert
- Campbell Point
- Candleridge Twin Falls
- Canterbury
- Canterbury Commons (Meridian)
- Canyon Creek Ranch
- Canyon Creek Townhomes
- Canyon Meadows
- Canyon Trails Twin Falls
- Capital Manor S
- Carriage Hill
- Carriage Hill North
- Carriage Hill West
- Carriage House at Spurwing
- Carter
- Cartwright Ranch
- Cascade Reservoir
- Casey Sub
- Castle Mountin
- Castlebury West
- Cavallo Estate
- Cavanaugh
- Caven Ridge Estates
- Cazador
- Cedar Crossing
- Cedar Park
- Cedarcreek
- Cedarfield
- Cedarholm
- Cedars
- Centennial Sub
- Century Farm
- Charleston Plac
- Charter Pointe
- Chelsea Square
- Cherry Lane Vil
- Churchill
- Circle C Ranch
- Cirrus Pointe
- City View Sub
- CitySide Lofts
- Clear Creek
- Clearcreek Cros
- Clearvue Estate
- Cloverdale Park
- Cloverdale Ridg
- Cobblefield Cro
- Coho Estates
- Cold Creek Village
- College Green
- College Heights
- College Meadow (Twin Falls)
- College Park
- Collina Vista
- Colonial Estate
- Colter Bay
- Columbia Villag
- Combes Park
- Copper River Basin - Nampa
- Cottonwood
- Cottonwood Heights (Kimberly)
- Council Golf and Country Club
- Council Greens
- Country Club Ac
- Country Club Manor
- Countryside
- Countryside Village
- County Club Estates
- Craftsman Estates
- Creason Creek
- Creekside Sub - Caldwell
- Crescent Rim Su
- Crimson Point
- Cruzen
- Crystal Beach Condo
- Crystal Cove
- Crystal Lakes
- Crystal Springs Estates
- Cumberland
- Cushman Heights
- Davis / Hester
- Deer Rim Road
- Delaware Park
- Demeyer Estates
- Desert Pine Estates
- Desert Wolf Subdivision
- Deserthawk
- Discoverypointe
- Dormans Add
- Drussel
- Dumont
- Dundee
- Eagle Crest
- Eagle Crest Sub
- Eagle Lake
- Eagleson Sub
- East Lake Est
- East Lawn
- East Ridge
- East Valley Sub
- Eastmans-Buhl
- Eastview
- Eastwood Subdivision
- Echelon Ridge
- Edenhome Add
- Edgehill
- Elk Ridge Sub
- Elkhaven
- Elkhorn Sub
- Ellis Addition
- Elm Grove Add
- Elmer Davis
- Ensign Point
- Evergreen
- Eyrie Canyon
- Fairfield Townsite
- Fairmont Park S
- Fairview Terrace Estates
- Fairway Estates
- Fall River Estates
- Farewell Bend
- Faull Ranch
- Featherville A2
- Federico
- Fieldstone
- Filer Cedar Creek Estates
- Finis Terra
- Five Mile Estat
- Florida Est
- Flourish
- Foothill Ranch
- Forsythia Place
- Four Seasons Su
- Foxtail Lakes
- Foxtail Sub
- Franklin Park
- Franklin Village
- Fruitvale Add
- Fryes Addition
- Galahad
- Galloway
- Gatewood
- Gazebo Gardens
- Giese & Moads
- Glacier Park
- Glen Eagle
- Glen Forest
- Glenbrier
- Glennfield Manor
- Goldcreek Sub
- Golden Dawn Mob
- Golden Hills Estates
- Golden Spur
- Goldengrove
- Gooding Townsite
- Gran Prado
- Grandview Estates (Twin Falls)
- Granger Sub
- Green Cut
- Green Tree Estates
- Greenbriar Estates
- Greendale Grove
- Greenleaf Air Ranch
- Greens Addition
- Greyhawk - Kuna
- Hackberry North
- Hailey Replat
- Handy Sub
- Hansen Estates
- Harrington Glen
- Harris North
- Harvest Moon
- Harvest Sub
- Harvest Valley
- Haven Cove
- Hawk's Landing
- Hawthorn
- Hazelwood Village
- Heaton Sub
- Heritage Gardens
- Heritage Place
- Heritage Pointe
- Heron Cove
- Heron River
- Herron Springs
- Hidden Lake
- Hidden Springs
- Hidden Valley Estates
- Highland Park
- Highlands Cove
- Highlands Hackb
- Highlands Nine
- Highlands Unit
- Hill Creek Sub
- Hill Ridge Estates
- Hillcrest
- Hillcrest Acres
- Hillcrest Estat
- Hillsdale Creek
- Hillside Sub
- Hobble Creek
- Home Acr S Can
- Home Acrs S Ada
- Homestead Sub
- Hopkins Tract
- Horizon Crest Estates
- Hunter Pointe
- Hunters Point - Nampa
- Idaho Investmen
- Idaho West Est
- Independence Pa
- Indian Creek Su
- Indian Hills
- Indian Lake Sub
- Interstate
- Iron Horse Est
- Ironwood Sub
- Irvine Meadows
- Island View
- Island Woods
- Jackson Park
- Jackson Square
- Jaydan Village
- Jerome Estates
- Jerome Townsite
- Johnson Park Su
- Jordans Landin
- Jug Mountain Ranch McCall
- Jump Creek
- Juniper Townhom
- K's Vista Grande
- Kanaka Rapids Ranch
- Karndell
- Kelly Creek
- Kimberly Carter Mini Ranches
- Kimberly Heights
- Kimberly Meadows Sub
- Kimberly Ranch Gate
- Kimes
- Kings Heights
- Kings Pines Estates
- Kingsview Estates
- Kirk Sub
- Knob Hill Estates
- Knox Sub
- Kuhl
- Kurtz Add
- Lake At Cherry
- Lake Fork Estates
- Lake Pointe
- Lakemoor
- Lakeridge Sub
- Lakewood
- Lambertons Add
- Lansing Heights
- Lava Springs
- Lavista Sub
- Legacy
- Leisureville
- Lemp Park Urban
- Lemps Add
- Lewis-Clark Pines
- Lexington Hills
- Linfield Estates
- Lobo Creek
- Lochsa Falls
- Lockwood
- Locust Grove Ad
- Londoners First
- Los Lagos
- Lugarno Terra
- Lyndhurst Grove
- Macaile Meadows
- Mackay Townsite
- Madison Park
- Magic Sub 1
- Maple Cove
- Maple Grove Estates
- Maple Ridge
- Maplewood Sub
- Martin Sub
- Mason Creek
- Mattingly Creek
- May Street Sub
- Mcmillan Park S
- Meadow Creek (Boise)
- Meadow Place
- Meadow West
- Meander Point
- Meinert Acres
- Melvins Eagle Point
- Memory Ranch
- Mennonite Churc
- Meridian Greens
- Merino Cove
- Meriwether Park
- Merlin Cottages
- Middlefork Mesa
- Milagro
- Miller Sub
- Millers
- Mills Willow Cr
- Milwaukee Sub
- Mobile Estates
- Montesa
- Monument Ridge
- Moonstruck West
- Moose Creek Estates
- Mores Creek Cro
- Morgan Sub
- Morning Dawn
- Morning Sun Subdivision (Twin Falls)
- Morningside Heights
- Mountain Heights
- Mountain Meadow
- Mountain Shadow
- Mountain View Estates
- Mountain View S
- Nampa City Acre
- Nancolas
- Nelson River Pa
- New Pence Addn
- New York Landng
- Newhouse Sub
- Niven
- Normandy
- North Add Gf
- North Gate Sub
- North Hill Sub
- North Locust Gr
- North Mountain
- North Point Sub (Twin Falls)
- North Pointe Ranch
- North Ridge Est
- North Rim Fairways
- Northern Sky
- Northside Es 4
- Northview Ranch
- Nottingshire
- Nourses/Fa Add
- O T Sanders Sub
- One Nineteen
- Orchard Creek
- Orchard Est
- Orchard Grove
- Orchard Park Ad
- Orchard Tract of the Idaho Land Company
- Osprey Bend
- Osprey Boise County
- Osterhout Acres
- Owyhee Estates
- Pacific Heights
- Paddy Flats Ranch
- Paisley Meadows
- Palomar Hgts
- Palouse
- Paramount
- Park
- Park Place
- Park Ridge
- Park Ridge Meadows
- Parkside
- Parkview Estates
- Partners
- Patagonia
- Patio Homes Can
- Patrick
- Patriot Sub
- Pavilion Commons
- Payette Lakes Cottage Sites
- Payne Sub
- Pear Blossom
- Pence Add
- Pender Village
- Pennsylvania Park
- Pepper Hills Su
- Peregrine Estates
- Pheasant Meadows
- Pheasant Run
- Picabo Sub
- Pier Pointe
- Pine 43
- Pine Tree Ranch
- Pineview
- Pinewood Lakes
- Pioneer Estates
- Plainridge Pl
- Pleasant Loop
- Pleasant Valley Acres
- Ponderosa Sub
- Pope's Addition
- Powell Est
- Prairie Clover Estates
- Prairie Ranch
- Prescott Acres
- Privada Estates
- Prospector - Kuna
- Purple Sage Estates
- Quail Ridge
- Quail View
- R & R Sub
- R & V Sub
- Randall Acres S
- Rankin Tract
- Red Baron Estates
- Red Feather
- Reflection Ridge
- Regency Heights
- Ridgeview
- Ridgevue Estates
- River Bend
- River Crest
- River Front Gardens Estates
- River Meadow
- River Oak Estates
- River Run Sub
- River Sage
- River View Estates
- River Walk
- Riverfront Estates
- Rivers Bend
- Rivers End
- Riverside
- Riverstone
- Riverstone Twnh
- Rock Creek Point
- Rock Garden Condominiums
- Rockbridge
- Rockhampton
- Rogers Heights
- Rolling Hill Su
- Rolling Hills (Latah)
- Roosevelt Corner
- Royal Plaza
- Ruby (Ada)
- Ruperts Original Townsite
- Rush Valley
- Rustic Acres
- Rustic Village
- Ryans Meadows
- Sage Meadow Estates
- Sagecreek
- Sagewood
- Saguaro Canyon
- Sailing Hawks
- Salmon River Estates
- Santa Fe
- Sawgrass Village
- Scenic Properti
- Schreiner Estates
- Sea Pines
- Sellman
- Settlers Ridge
- Shadow Ridge
- Shalimar Terrac
- Shamrock Villa
- Shelburne
- Shelley Acres
- Shenandoah West
- Sheri Lynn Sub
- Sherwood Meadow
- Sherwood Park West
- Sienna Creek
- Silver Spur Est
- Silver Trail
- Silverwater
- Silverwood
- Sky Mesa
- Skyline Sub
- Skyranch Sub
- Small Brook Estates
- Smith Estates
- Somerset Ridge
- Sonata Pointe
- Sonoma Valley Condos
- Sorenson Sub
- South Fork Ranch (Midland Park)
- South Park Sub
- Southcreek
- Southern Ridge
- Southfork
- Southgate Sub
- Southridge Est
- Southridge Meridian
- Southshore Sub
- Spectacular Condominiums
- Sportsman Point
- Spring Creek Es
- Spring Meadow 2
- Spring Mountain Ranch
- Springdale Acres
- Springhill
- SpurWing Greens Estates
- Stan's Homeplace
- Star Ridge Estates
- Star Townsite
- State Sub
- Stauffer Estates
- Steins Add
- Steins Sub
- Stella's Point
- Stephens Orchar
- Sterling Meadows
- Sterling Ranch
- Sterling Second
- Steunerbergs Ac
- Stiehl Falls
- Stonegate
- Stonegate Estates
- Stoneridge
- Stormy Mountain
- Streamside Sub
- Strickland Addition
- Summerwind Sub
- Summit Ridge (Canyon Co)
- Sundance Sub
- Sundial
- Sunny Ridge
- Sunny Ridge Hei
- Sunnyside (Moscow)
- Sunrise at River's Bend
- Sunrise Rim Sub
- Sunset Heights
- Sunset Oaks
- Sunset Rim Sub
- Sunset South
- Sunshine Estate
- Superior Ridge
- Swallows Crest
- Syringa Springs
- Taft Manor Sub
- Tahoe Ridge Sub
- Tamarack Resort - Donnelly
- Tana Heights
- Tapestry
- Terrace Lakes
- Teton
- TF Schurgers
- Thatcher Add
- The Aspen Lofts
- The Jefferson
- The Keep
- The Legacy
- The Pines
- The Village at Deer Forest
- The Woods on Norwood
- Three Mile Cree
- Three Oaks Sub
- Timber Square at Harris Ranch
- Timberlost III
- Timberlost V
- Town
- Town Cntry Elm
- Tradewinds
- Trails End Sub
- Treasure Valley
- Tremont Place
- Trilogy
- Triumph Place
- TuiteS Sub
- Tumble Creek
- Turners Skyline
- Tuscany Messina Meadows
- Twin Falls Acres Inside
- Twin Falls Blue Lakes Addition
- Twin Falls Delong
- Twin Falls Fieldstone Professional PUD
- Twin Falls Hillcrest
- Twin Falls Murtaugh
- Twin Falls Orchala
- Twin Falls Pleasant View Acres
- Twin Falls Sunterra
- Twin Falls Townsite
- Twin Pine Sub
- Twin River Ranch
- Two Rivers Eagle
- Two Towers
- Union Square
- Ustick Grove Es
- Valley Heights Caldwell
- Valley View Wei
- Valynn Village
- Vanal Heights
- Vaquero Ridge
- Vienna Woods
- Villa Del Rio Estates
- Village Bungalows
- Village Condos
- Vista Hills Sub
- Wades Sub
- Wagon Wheel Ran
- Wapiti View
- Warm Springs Ho
- Warnock-Blaser
- Washington Heights
- Water's Edge Sub
- Waterbury Park
- Waterhouse
- Waterview Estates
- Wauna Vista
- Wayside
- Wedgewood Estates (Eagle)
- Wellington Heights
- Wendell Townsite
- West Highlands Ranch
- West Idaho
- West Meadow Estates
- West Mountain
- West Pine
- Western Homes
- Western Pines
- Westland Acres
- Westminster Pla
- Westridge Estates
- White Pine
- Whitecliffe Estates
- Whitehead
- Whitetail
- WieberS
- Wild Prairie Estates
- Wild Rose Estates Twin Falls
- Wilder Original
- Wilderness Ranch
- Wildhorse Ranch
- Wildwood Condos
- Wilkins Estate
- Williams Lake
- Williamson River Ranch
- Willow Creek
- Willow Creek Ra
- Willowdale
- Willowview
- Wilson Creek
- Wilsons Supplem
- Windsor Creek
- Windsor Creek East
- Winter Haven
- Woodland Hills (Twin Falls)
- Woods At Rvrsid
- Woodside
- Woody
- Z Country Estates
- Eastside Add.
- Leisuretime R.V. Park
- North Cole Sq.
- Twin Falls Park Meadows #1