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- Written by Mitch Wixom Mitch Wixom
- Category: Uncategorised Uncategorised
- Published: 19 November 2018 19 November 2018
- Hits: 4238 4238
ITD Set to Expand Highway 16 to I-84 and Highway 20-26 in Caldwell.
ITD (Idaho Transportation Department) has recently added more money to the bucket which is set to go toward purchasing the right-of-way to build the new expansions for both Highway 16 through Meridian and for Highway 20-26 in Caldwell. The recently added funds come from Federal Grants and will push the bucket from the $6 million, approved earlier in 2018, to a total of $96 million!
The new expansion of Hwy 16 is going to extend the current freeway-like roadway that currently runs from Hwy 44 to Chinden Blvd. It will continue the road from Chinden and connect to I-84 by way of a new interchange. It is also currently proposed to have an exit at Ustick Rd.
New funds have also been added ($34.3 million) to go towards expanding Hwy 20-26 in Caldwell. In the last year or so, Caldwell has quickly started booming with the additions of the new Indian Creek Plaza, Luxe Movie Theater, and the area to continuing to have affordable housing. With the city's growth, the demand of better infrastructure is higher than ever. This has pushed law makers to move the expansion plans of Hwy 20-26 up. The plan is to expand the current size of the highway from two lanes all the way to six! The project is set to start in 2020 and will expand the lanes from I-84 to Middleton Rd. The project will then continue and expand the lanes all the way to Eagle Rd. by 2024.
For the entire report, click HERE!