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- Written by Don Wixom Don Wixom
- Category: Uncategorised Uncategorised
- Published: 27 December 2017 27 December 2017
- Hits: 8148 8148
Home builders around the nation have become much more confident in the new real estate market. The number of builders that feel that way has risen to the highest it's been since 1999.

"Housing market conditions are improving partially because of new policies aimed at providing regulatory relief to the business community," said NAHB Chairman Granger MacDonald, a homebuilder and developer from Kerrville, Texas.
Home builders were originally opposed to the new tax plan, which made changes to both the mortgage interest deduction and property tax deductions. However, builders now see the business incentives far outweighing any other negatives.
"With low unemployment rates, favorable demographics and a tight supply of existing home inventory, we can expect continued upward movement of the single-family construction sector next year," said NAHB Chief Economist Robert Dietz.
With builder confidence high and inventory staying low, don't expect to see a market decrease any time soon. The market should continue to stay healthy for the foreseeable future!
For the full story from CNBC, click HERE!