
What County is that?

Idaho Counties


Many of you have asked me for a reference on Idaho License Plates and what those pre-fix designation mean. it is! You can now view the number and letter reference to know which Idaho county certain vehicles are from.

Keep in mind, those who have personalized plates do not have the county designations, so there's no telling from where they came!

County Designations 1932-Present
 County  1932-1933 1934-1944   1945-ON
Ada A1 1A 1A
Adams A2 2A 2A
Bannock A3 3A 1B
Bear Lake A4 4A 2B
Benewah A5 5A 3B
Bingham A6 6A 4B
Blaine A7 7A 5B
Boise A8 8A 6B
Bonner A9 9A 7B
Bonneville B1 1P 8B
Boundary B2 2P 9B
Butte B3 3P 10B
Camas B4 4P 1C
Canyon B5 5P 2C
Caribou B6 6P 3C
Cassia B7 7P 4C
Clark B8 8P 5C
Clearwater B9 9P 6C
Custer H1 1H 7C
Elmore H2 2H E
Franklin H3 3H 1F
Fremont H4 4H 2F
Gem H5 5H 1G
Gooding H6 6H 2G
Idaho H7 7H I
Jefferson H8 8H 1J
Jerome H9 9H 2J
Kootenai K1 1K K
Latah K2 2K 1L
Lemhi K3 3K 2L
Lewis K4 4K 3L
Lincoln K5 5K 4L
Madison K6 6K 1M
Minidoka K7 7K 2M
Nez Perce K8 8K N
Oneida K9 9K 1O
Owyhee R1 1R 2O
Payette R2 2R 1P
Power R3 3R 2P
Shoshone R4 4R S
Teton R5 5R 1T
Twin Falls R6 6R 2T
Valley R7 7R V
Washington R8 8R W

County License plate prefixes: before 1932, a straight numerical system was used with no county prefix. In 1932 and 1933, the letters A, B, H, K, and R were used with the numerals 1 through-9 as county prefixes. From 1934 through 1942, the same prefixes were used except that the B was changed to a P. In 1945 the county prefix designation was started.

When you're ready to move to Idaho and take on one of these beautiful plates, contact Idaho Realtor, Don Wixom to look out for your next move!