Top Real Estate Agents Near Me!
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- Written by Mitch Wixom Mitch Wixom
- Category: Real Estate Info Real Estate Info
- Published: 19 February 2019 19 February 2019
- Hits: 3344 3344
Are you looking for the best Realtor near you? Don and Mitch Wixom and both Top Prodcuers in the treasure valley! They have an expert knowledge of the market and know the area like the back of their hand! They are both reviewed 5 out of 5 Stars on Facebook and Google! Contact them today!
Short Sale Homes in Boise
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- Category: Real Estate Info Real Estate Info
- Published: 01 April 2008 01 April 2008
- Hits: 23123 23123
Search Here for Short Sale Properties in Boise, Idaho!
If you're looking for a good value for your next home in Boise or just a great investment opportunity, check out these homes in Boise for sale that are subject to approval of a bank short sale. These are homes that are destined for foreclosure sale if not sold first. To learn more about pre-foreclosure sales and exactly what is a short sale, just click below:
To search NOW for homes for sale in Boise that are "short sales" CLICK HERE!
For Nampa Short Sales CLICK HERE!
For Meridian Short Sales CLICK HERE!
For Caldwell Short Sales CLICK HERE!
Short Sale Homes in Caldwell
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- Category: Real Estate Info Real Estate Info
- Published: 01 April 2008 01 April 2008
- Hits: 21567 21567
Search Here for Short Sale Properties in Caldwell, Idaho!
If you're looking for a good value for your next home in Caldwell or just a great investment opportunity, check out these homes in Caldwell for sale that are subject to approval of a bank short sale. These are homes that are destined for foreclosure sale if not sold first. To learn more about pre-foreclosure sales and exactly what is a short sale, just click below:
To search NOW for homes for sale in Caldwell that are "short sales" CLICK HERE!
For Boise Short Sales CLICK HERE!
For Nampa Short Sales CLICK HERE!
For Meridian Short Sales CLICK HERE!
Short Sale Homes in Nampa
- Details
- Category: Real Estate Info Real Estate Info
- Published: 01 April 2008 01 April 2008
- Hits: 21406 21406
Search Here for Short Sale Properties in Nampa, Idaho!
If you're looking for a good value for your next home in Nampa or just a great investment opportunity, check out these homes in Nampa for sale that are subject to approval of a bank short sale. These are homes that are destined for foreclosure sale if not sold first. To learn more about pre-foreclosure sales and exactly what is a short sale, just click below:
To search NOW for homes for sale in Nampa that are "short sales" CLICK HERE!
For Boise Short Sales CLICK HERE!
For Meridian Short Sales CLICK HERE!
For Caldwell Short Sales CLICK HERE!
Got Mattress Money?
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- Category: Real Estate Info Real Estate Info
- Published: 01 May 2007 01 May 2007
- Hits: 19395 19395
Ever think of investing in real estate, but thought that you don't have the extra income or means to put into it? This article is not a get rich quick scheme or a zero down real estate program, but it will give you a glimpse of what may be possible when you think about what you have to work with when investing in Idaho Real Estate.
Please pick up a copy of the Canyon County Magazine and share this article with a friend. Whenever you think of buying or selling real estate, please think of me. Thank you!
Upcoming Foreclosure Sales
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- Category: Real Estate Info Real Estate Info
- Published: 03 February 2007 03 February 2007
- Hits: 25219 25219
Idaho Foreclosure Properties
Below, you will see an un-official list of some upcoming Idaho foreclosure properties with the property address and original loan amount.
The unfortunate thing about purchasing Idaho foreclosures in this type of setting, is that you most often are unable to preview the property on the interior or conduct any inspections as a contingency of your purchase. The sale cryor will also require you show evidence of funds to purchase the property by bringing a cashiers check for the total amount of your bid, even if you do not win the bid.
Please beware that some of these foreclosures in the Boise Real Estate Market may be junior lien holders and subject to the paying off of a primary mortgage. Please check with your title officer or attorney with any questions in this regard. This list includes Nampa homes for sale as well as Caldwell homes for sale and Middleton homes for sale and Parma homes for sale, Greenleaf homes for sale, Wilder homes for sale as well as Homes in Boise and Homes in Meridian.
These properties are broken down between Canyon County Foreclosures and Ada County Forclosures.
Whenever buying or selling Idaho Real Estate, please continue to check out the content at
Where Have all These People Come From?
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- Category: Real Estate Info Real Estate Info
- Published: 19 January 2007 19 January 2007
- Hits: 26250 26250
So, where are all the people coming from in our valley? Many of you have asked this question & I ran across this article from United Van Lines covering the basics of their survey.
I hope you enjoy. Please contact me when you know anyone needing to buy or sell Idaho Real Estate! I appreciate your referrals!
Boomers Pave Their Own Road to Retirement
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- Category: Real Estate Info Real Estate Info
- Published: 25 October 2006 25 October 2006
- Hits: 20468 20468
County Designations on Idaho License Plates
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- Category: Real Estate Info Real Estate Info
- Published: 14 October 2006 14 October 2006
- Hits: 35335 35335
What County is that?
Many of you have asked me for a reference on Idaho License Plates and what those pre-fix designation mean. it is! You can now view the number and letter reference to know which Idaho county certain vehicles are from.
Keep in mind, those who have personalized plates do not have the county designations, so there's no telling from where they came!
What do all these letters mean?
- Details
- Category: Real Estate Info Real Estate Info
- Published: 29 September 2006 29 September 2006
- Hits: 25756 25756
CRS? ABR? GRI? What do these mean?
OK... So are Realtors just so egotistical that they have to display all those letters after their names?
Actually, these designations DO in fact have a meaning. The most critical thing to remember is that these designations reflect a Realtor's commitment to education and a commitment to the quality of service they offer to their clients.
Customers and clients alike, need to pay attention to these designations, simply for the fact that they represent experience and knowledge. Our market, today, is filled with real estate sales people who have just recently passed the state exam (the minimum requirement) to assist home buyers and sellers in one of their most valuable investments.
Realtor designations also indicate areas of specialties for the agent. Please take the time to review the following list of designations and remember, most of them require many more hours of classroom education than what is even mandatory by individual states.
Understanding Foreclosures
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- Category: Real Estate Info Real Estate Info
- Published: 05 September 2006 05 September 2006
- Hits: 21013 21013
Unfortunately, when economic activity declines and housing activity decreases, more real estate enters the foreclosure process. High interest rates and creative financing arrangements also are contributing factors.
When prices are rapidly accelerating during a real estate "bonanza", many people go to any lengths available to get into the market through investments in vacation homes, rental housing and "trading up" to more expensive properties. In some cases, this results in the taking on of high interest rate payments and second, third and even fourth deeds of trust.