Want to Save on Insurance?
- Details
- Written by Mitch Wixom Mitch Wixom
- Category: Uncategorised Uncategorised
- Published: 12 March 2019 12 March 2019
- Hits: 5431 5431
Jessie joined PayneWest Insurance as an account specialist in 2016. Jessie has been licensed in property and casualty, life and health since 1998. She takes a caring and thorough approach to protecting her clients’ livelihoods and belongings. When you contact Jessie, she makes you a top priority. She gives options and is very detailed. Jessie loves working in the independent agent world as it gives her access to shop with many carriers to find the proper value and coverage options.
Jessie enjoys spending time with her family and her “grandgirls” who refer to her as “Gigi”. She also loves spending time with her husband, Anthony, doing many outdoor activities including camping, fishing and hiking. They also love spending time with their fur-daughter, Charlie, a chocolate lab.