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- Written by Don Wixom Don Wixom
- Category: Uncategorised Uncategorised
- Published: 15 May 2017 15 May 2017
- Hits: 10153 10153
With the warmer weather here, road crews are out and about to improve our roadways in the Treasure Valley! While this may be inconvenient and cause delays in your daily commute, it is necessary to keep our roads safe and efficient. If you'd like to stay one step ahead of the delays, here are a couple major projects going on at the moment or soon to come.
I-84 Improvement
I-84 is set to go under construction this summer between Franklin Blvd in Nampa all the way to Franklin Rd. in Caldwell. There are two separate projects that will be going on. The Idaho Transportation Department will re repaving the freeway the entire way from Franklin to Franklin. The work will be underway on nights and weekends to avoid major commute delays. This project is set to go into the fall.
They have approved a separate project to create additional lanes on I-84 from Franklin Blvd to Karcher Rd. There are no completion dates set for this project yet.
Stay Informed!
If you'd like to stay up to date on any road work that may effect you, here are a few links!