Homes for sale in Meridian Idaho Saguaro Canyon Subdivision
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- Category: Market Updates Market Updates
- Published: 15 February 2010 15 February 2010
- Hits: 41812 41812
Homes for sale in Meridian Idaho Saguaro Canyon Subdivision 
Saguaro Canyon in Meridian Idaho is a pristine community full of life & character! Complete with wide streets, safe sidewalks, several parks, pond and community swimming pool!
Search for homes for sale in Meridian Idaho Saguaro Canyon
Read more: Homes for sale in Meridian Idaho Saguaro Canyon Subdivision
Homes for sale in the Boise School District
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- Category: Market Updates Market Updates
- Published: 14 February 2010 14 February 2010
- Hits: 14844 14844
Search Homes in the Boise School District: Idaho Real Estate 
Some buyers are particular about which schools their children attend, and rightly so! Many may want a different home, but to keep their kids in the same district so they can remain with the same teachers and same friends.
If you're looking for Homes for sale in the Boise School District, this will make it much more simple for you...
Nampa Idaho Relocation Package: Idaho Real Estate
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- Category: Market Updates Market Updates
- Published: 13 February 2010 13 February 2010
- Hits: 13268 13268
Moving to Nampa Idaho
Welcome to Nampa, Idaho! Nampa is located just 20 minutes west of Boise, Idaho on Interstate 84. Google Map
Nampa is the 2nd largest city in Idaho, Boise is the capitol & the largest city. History of Nampa
Lake Lowell is a recreational spot for fishing, swimming & boating. It is home of the Deerflat National Wildlife Refuge. Google Map
Read more: Nampa Idaho Relocation Package: Idaho Real Estate
Homes for sale in Nampa ID
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- Category: Market Updates Market Updates
- Published: 07 February 2010 07 February 2010
- Hits: 12910 12910
Homes for sale in Nampa Idaho
There are plenty of Internet options to search for homes for sale in Nampa ID, but why not go to the most comprehensive, most visited Idaho real estate website to find Nampa homes that fit YOUR search criteria!?
You can find homes for sale in Nampa ID without registering and without worrying about your e-mail address or personal information being sold or solicited to.
Distressed Realty Sinks Idaho Real Estate Appraisals
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- Category: Market Updates Market Updates
- Published: 06 February 2010 06 February 2010
- Hits: 13700 13700
Distressed Realty Sinks Appraisals
Making the front page of the Idaho Statesman on this Saturday morning, Feb. 6, 2010, was this article.
When contacted by the reporter for my opinion for her article, I was somewhat skeptical because you never know when the newspaper will quote you right or place your comments in the right context.
Read more: Distressed Realty Sinks Idaho Real Estate Appraisals
Idaho Short Sales Video
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- Category: Market Updates Market Updates
- Published: 01 February 2010 01 February 2010
- Hits: 17464 17464
2 Minute video explaining the basics of Idaho Short Sales.
Learn quickly, what a short sale is, why, as a buyer, you may want to look at short sale homes, and what the benefits are for sellers who must sell as a short sale.
Nampa Idaho Brick 29 Bistro
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- Category: Market Updates Market Updates
- Published: 27 January 2010 27 January 2010
- Hits: 13509 13509

I met a builder friend there for dinner this evening & the service was exceptional! The food was great! The atmosphere- pleasant! The live music was fabulous!
Idaho Home Inspector
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- Category: Market Updates Market Updates
- Published: 26 January 2010 26 January 2010
- Hits: 13085 13085
Idaho Home Inspector, Jim Enzler 
Some buyers don't see the value in having their home inspected. My opinion is that it's the smallest cost of your highest asset. Why wouldn't you find out what you are buying before you sign on the line?
Inspecting your Idaho real estate is a wise decision. Whether you are buying a new home or a 100 year old home, don't take the chance without having a professional take a look under the hood for you.
Nampa Idaho Team Helps in Haiti
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- Category: Market Updates Market Updates
- Published: 23 January 2010 23 January 2010
- Hits: 13697 13697
Watch MAF Haiti Multimedia Clip
MAF is sending a team, medical supplies and equipment to the devastated island nation.
The objective, says the Idaho Press-Tribune, is to support humanitarian organizations and their efforts in providing relief and supplies.The plane, a new aircraft built in Sandpoint, Idaho, will be stationed in Haiti for 2-3 months, with flight crews changing every 2-3 weeks.
No More FHA Flipping Rule!
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- Category: Market Updates Market Updates
- Published: 16 January 2010 16 January 2010
- Hits: 12638 12638
The news is spreading fast... As reported out from FHA on January 15, 2010 -
Measure to help bring stability to home values and accelerate sale of vacant properties WASHINGTON -
In an effort to stabilize home values and improve conditions in communities where foreclosure activity is high, HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan today announced a temporary policy that will expand access to FHA mortgage insurance and allow for the quick resale of foreclosed properties.